Emmanuel Villanis (1858 - 1914)
Bildhauer, sculptor, sculpteur-statuaire

Frequently asked questions regarding E. Villanis

  1. Q: Do I have an original?
    A: Probabely no! Because E. Villanis made one model, only. Than an autherized foundry produced hundreds of authentic bronze castings (sometimes in different sizes) using this original model.

  2. Q: Is my sculpture documented in the oeuvre-list of E. Villanis?
    A: Compare the name written in front of the base with our actual list.

  3. Q: Are there any reproductions on the market?
    A: YES! More than authentic castings. Be careful, especially in the USA! There are lots of reproductions, imitations, forgeries, bad fakes, adaptions and the like. The signature does not mean anything. When buying a sculpture, try to get a written document that the item is authentic and old.

  4. Q: How do I find out the authenticity of a E.V. sculpture?
    A: It´s not easy:
    First look at the over-all impression: is it perfectly made? (The authentic sculptures are of very high quality).
    Is it made of authentic material? There were no "cold castings" (that means plastic with additions) around 1900.
    Does it have a stamp? If no: It may be authentic or not.
    If yes: the original foundry seals are made separately of an other material and were fit in after the foundation process. The original seals are very clear and sharp, like coins. If the seal is blurred: this may be a sign that the sculpture is a reproduction of a reproduction (="surmoulage") and not authentic.
    Does it have the original height? To measure the height exactly, see this page.

  5. Q: Did E.V. make sculptures in marble, too?
    A: There are a lot of marble-sculptures signed "E.Villanis" on the market. Nearly all of the them are made by craftsmen after a modell of E. Villanis - but it is very difficult to say, when the bust was made (with his authorization or later).

  6. Q: Can you give me the value of my Villanis sculpture?
    A: No, because I am not a licensed appraiser; therefore, no appraisals can or will be given: we are doing research, only.
    There is a big difference between buying and selling! (TRY to sell your sculpture at an antique shop: you will be surprised!)
    BUT: you may receive a list of about 200 prices (collected by us) which were gained in the past 10 years for Villanis sculptures. This list is for your personal usage, only!
    You then may compare your sculpture with that list, taking into account the height, patination, overall impression and material. The contribution for that list is 10.- US-$ or 10.- Euro. You may ask for the list by email.

  7. Q: Is there any literature about the artist E. Villanis?
    A: Yes, look at this page

  8. Q: Is there a book with photos of the sculptures of E. Villanis?
    A: Yes, look at this page

  9. Q: Where can I find more information about the artist E. Villanis on the web?
    A: Look at this page

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Last update: 24.08.2006 © 1998-2005 F.Haberey   Villanis association